Skeptic Volume 2, Number 4 (1994): PSEUDOHISTORY
- Features
- Skeptics' Forum: Letters
- Herod--Father of Jesus?; Testing Theories--Larue Responds; Two Facts,
Four Questions; Skeptic Name; Bad Debunking; Arrogance; No "Final
Truth" in Rand; Skinhead Motivation; Frills and Furbelows; Not too
Reticent; Clarifying "Facts"; Testing the Flood; Talking Heads &
Martial Arts; Atheists Bad Press; Advice; Building the Ark; Skeptic
at Kristallnacht; Soft on Deniers?; Psychiatry Abuse; Riddle of the
Universe--Solved; Skeptic=Atheist?
- Hoaxing the Hoaxers
- Reichians Revisited
- Skeptical News
- Skeptic Magazine in top 10; Randi a Columnist; Penn &
Teller--Entertainment and Awards; Dr. Laura; Skeptic Back Issues;
Skeptic Debates Creationist; $40,000 for Creationist Proof; FMS Legal
Victory; Satanic Panic in U.K.; Abductees O.K.; Turn Me On Dead Man;
Evangelist Fined; Nessie; CAN Sues Scientology; Cryonic Move;
Davidians Acquitted; Dr. Joyce Goofs; CBS Psychics
- Holocaust Revision Update: German Ban; Poll Exaggerated; Skeptics
on Donahue
- Skeptic lite: Nickology, the S-effect, & the Quantum of Santa
- By Gerald Huber
- 'Twas Brilling... Commentary: THE THIRD MILLENNIUM--OR BUST
- By James Randi
- In Brief and In Review: Books & Articles of Interest
- Solved and Unsolved Mysteries of Mind, Space & Time
- By James Randi
- Special Section on Pseudohistory
- Holocaust Revisionism
- Proving the Holocaust: The Refutation of Revisionism & the
Restoration of History
- By Michael Shermer
Giving the Devil His Due: Holocaust Revisionism as a Test Case for
Free Speech and the Skeptical Ethic
- By Frank Miele
- Watching On the Rhine: A review of Denying the Holocaust By Deborah
- Reviewed by Brian Siano
- The Protocols of Creationism: Racism, Anti-Semitism, & White
Supremacy in Christian Fundamentalism
- By Tom McIver
- Extreme Afrocentrism
- Afrocentric Pseudoscience & Pseudohistory
- Compiled by Editors
- Stolen Legacy (or Mythical History?): Problems in Extreme
Afrocentrism. A Review of George G.M. James' Stolen Legacy
- By Mary Lefkowitz
- Beyond Race: Fallacies of Reactive Afrocentrism
- By Kwame Anthony Appiah
- Was Cleopatra Black?
- Pseudodiscovery
- Goodbye Columbus?: The Pseudohistory of Who Discovered America
- By Ronald Fritze
- Departments
- Update on the Noah's Ark Hoax
- By Jim Lippard
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